"Binding of Isaac" story summary in the Bible

Picture of Binding of Isaac

Isaac, the son of Abraham in the Old Testament "Book of Genesis", was once almost killed by his father, Abraham.

Incidentally, there is also an article summarizing the life of Abraham,

If you would like to know more, please take a look at this page.

Why did Abraham try to kill his own son Isaac?

What is "Binding of Isaac"?

A very telling story about the relationship between Abraham and Isaac is the anecdote called "Binding of Isaac".

Isaac was born after being ordained by God as Abraham's successor.

But what a test God also used his son Isaac as a test of Abraham's faithfulness.

Abraham believes God's word

God image

Take your son, your beloved only son Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him as a burnt offering on the mountain that I will show you.

God said it.

Before Isaac was born,

God image

Isaac is the heir of Abraham.

While saying such things,

God image

Sacrifice him when he is born.

How awful….

But Abraham, who was the man of tremendous faith, trusted his words.

In other words, he really tried to offer his son to God.

Isaac accepts the sacrifice

Isaac, taken by Abraham, was perplexed.

Ancient male image

Father, I don't have a lamb to sacrifice.

Abraham image

Don't worry, God will provide you with a lamb to roast.

Abraham said this, but

Ancient male image

I guess I'll have to sacrifice myself...

It is believed that Isaac was aware of this at this point.

Isaac was bound by Abraham without resistance and placed on the altar.

Ancient male image


With the words of Isaac calling,

Abraham image

My son...

Abraham's words in response.

These words, in fact, highlight the tragic nature of the story.

There is no description of their state of mind at this time, but I think it was a terrible scene.

A father who wants to offer his son as a sacrifice to God and a son who accepts it.

Is there such the tragedy?

The angel, stopping Abraham

God image

Your descendants will be transmitted by Isaac

This promise clearly contradicted God's command.

Nevertheless, Abraham obeyed God's word almost blindly.

The end result, however, was that the moment he raised the knife above Isaac,

Angel image

Stop it, Abraham!

The angel appeared and stopped him from doing so.

And since there was a ram around, Abraham offered it to God in place of Isaac.

Why did he try to kill his son?

Abraham is praised as an exemplary man of faith for overcoming this "Binding of Isaac".

Scholarly image

Wasn't God messing around to test Abraham's faith?

One theory also suggests that God may have been testing Abraham's faithfulness.

Moreover, it was also to show Abraham's great spirituality that he did not waver in the face of such the situation.

Indeed, Abraham could even give up his own children for the sake of God's word.

It seems that his faith was the only thing that never wavered at any crossroads in his life.

In addition, this burnt offering of Isaac gave birth to the belief that human sacrifice to God was taboo,

People image

Sacrifice is an evil practice and must be eliminated!

It is said that this led to the prevention of sacrifice.

Abraham's child, Isaac, was born when his mother Sarah was 90 years old.

How could she have given birth at such the advanced age?

And what was the muddled feud between the mothers that was born after the female slave gave birth to Ishmael?

What was the muddled relationship between Abraham's son Isaac and Ishmael?

If you are interested in the contents of this story, please see this article.

Furthermore, in addition to this story, there are other articles that summarize various stories from the Old Testament,

What is Genesis?

If you would like to read more, please click here.

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