Torah is five books in the Old Testament.
- Genesis
- Exodus
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Deuteronomy
The five are specifically referred to as Torah.
Since Moses is said to have written them, these five together are known as the "Five Books of Moses".

Who is Moses?
If you are wondering so,
Who is Moses in Islamic summary?
He appeared in the Quran, the holy book of Islam. What was Moses like in Islam? The prophet Moses is explained in an easy-to-understand manner!
Please read this article.
In Judaism, the Torah (Law) is the most important book of the Bible.
- Teachings
- Instruction
It has such the meanings.
Leviticus and Numbers contain various ritual regulations, so they have a strong Torah aspect.
This time, I would like to introduce each of the five books of Moses in detail.
Book of Genesis in the Old Testament is filled with stories that we have all heard at least once, such as the creation that began with Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark, and the Tower of Babel.
Here is an article that summarizes what Genesis describes.
Summarize the Book of Genesis with 6 main points
Everyone has heard of Noah's Ark, Tower of Babel, and Adam and Eve. What is the story of Book of Genesis? Here's a quick summary and explanation!
If you want to know more details, please see this article.
Book of Exodus is the story of Moses and the Israelites fleeing Egypt and heading for the land of Canaan.
To learn more about the book of Exodus,
What is the Book of Exodus all about?
What was the life of the prophet Moses as described in "Book of Exodus"? Here's the story of Moses who performed the miracle of splitting the sea!
Please read this article.
After successfully escaping from Egypt, Moses received the Ten Commandments from God at Mount Sinai.
To learn more about the Ten Commandments,
Ten Commandments in the Bible and their meaning
You sometimes hear about "Ten Commandments" by Prophet Moses, but what are they really about? If you are wondering so, please read this article here!
Please read this article.
Most of the book of Leviticus is dominated by the Torah.
The contents can be divided into two main parts.
- The first half: a collection of regulations for priests who perform rituals.
- The second half: a collection of regulations for the general public.
The second half is also called the sacred law collection.
The main contents of the collection of regulations for Priests are:
- Provisions for offerings
- Rules for purity and impurity
and others.
On the other hand, the main contents of the sacred law collection are:
- Rules on sexual relations to be avoided
- Rules on festive days
- Provisions on blasphemy, etc.
and others.
Since the Book of Numbers contains a description of the census of the people of Israel, it was translated as "Arismoi" (number) in a certain Bible, and the name "Numbers" was born from this.
In Hebrew (the Jewish "bible scripture" is written in Hebrew), it is called "Bemidbar", meaning "in the wilderness.
The Book of Numbers begins 2 years and 2 months after the event of the Exodus, and it is said that 40 years have passed since Moses left Egypt and reached the Jordan River.
The Book of Numbers is divided into three main sections:
- The description and various regulations leading up to the population survey and departure at Mount Sinai (the place where Moses received the Ten Commandments).
- The description of the road from Mount Sinai to Moab (the name of the place. It seems to have been on the east side of the Dead Sea), and the dismay of the people at the report of the reconnaissance to Canaan.
- The battle with the Canaanites, and their arrival at the Jordan River.
In Hebrew, Deuteronomy is called "Devarim", meaning "word".
Deuteronomy is a compilation of Moses' sermons to the Israelites in the wilderness of Moab.
To put it very crudely,

God is great, so let's all serve him properly.
I think that's what he meant.
After the sermon, Moses prepared for his death and appointed Joshua as his successor.
If you want to know more about the "Book of Joshua",
Is the Book of Joshua cruel? A brief summary and explanation!
Please read this article.
Moses did not enter the land of Canaan after all.
The death and burial of Moses are also described here.
One question arises there.

Wait! Moses is the author of the five books of Moses, right? Did Moses write himself where he died and was buried?
There are various interpretations of this.

Moses prophetically described his own death and how he was buried.
Some say that.

No, the part about Moses' death and burial was not written by Moses, but by his successor Joshua.
And others say that.

Neither Moses nor Joshua wrote it.
And another says that.
Perhaps this is what only God really knows.
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