Bible's Joshua: Leader of Israelites & Conquered Jericho

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Do you know who Joshua is?

Joshua is a very important character in the Old Testament, which is part of the Bible.

He was a leader of the Israelites and helped them conquer the land of Canaan.

He was also one of the closest followers of Moses and took over as the leader of the Israelites after Moses died.

People remember Joshua for his bravery and for following God's commands.

Let's learn more about him together!

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Who is Joshua?

Joshua was a leader of the Israelite tribes.

He helped Moses and later became the leader after Moses.

His real name was Hoshea but Moses called him Joshua.

He was born in Egypt before the Israelites left Egypt.

The name Joshua means "God saves" in Hebrew.

Jesus is the English version of Joshua.

Some languages like Greek and Slavic have a different name for Joshua to tell him apart from Jesus.

Historicity of Joshua

The Book of Joshua in the Bible is not considered to be a historically accurate account by most scholars.

The events described in the book are believed to have taken place in the 13th century BCE.

But the cities listed as being destroyed during this time do not match the archaeological evidence.

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The book was written for religious and political reasons, and its main purpose was to deliver a theological message about God rather than to provide a historical account of events.

Scholars suggest that.

It is believed to have been written and revised over time, with the final version being completed after the fall of Jerusalem.

Biblical narrative about Joshua

The biblical narrative about Joshua is a story from the Hebrew Bible, also known as the Old Testament.

It tells of Joshua, a leader of the Israelite tribes, who helped Moses and later succeeded him as the leader of the Israelites.

The story takes place in the book of Joshua and covers events such as

  1. the Israelites' conquest of the Promised Land
  2. the division of the land among the tribes
  3. Joshua's leadership and guidance as the Israelites settled in their new home

This story is an important part of the religious and cultural heritage of the Jewish and Christian traditions.

The Exodus

Joshua was a prominent figure in the Exodus and was selected by Moses to lead a militia group in their first battle after leaving Egypt, which was against the Amalekites and resulted in a victory.

He accompanied Moses to Mount Sinai where he received the Ten Commandments and was with Moses when he heard the Israelites' celebrations around the Golden Calf.

Joshua was seen as custodian of the tent of meeting when Moses returned to the Israelite encampment, but was not present when Moses re-created the tablets recording the Ten Commandments.

He was one of the twelve spies sent by Moses to explore the land of Canaan and only he and Caleb gave a positive report, leading to them being the only two of their generation to enter the promised land.

According to Joshua 1:1, God appointed Joshua to succeed Moses as leader of the Israelites and blessed him with invincibility.

The first part of the book of Joshua covers the period when he led the conquest of Canaan.

Conquest of Canaan

The Israelites, led by Joshua, crossed the Jordan River and engaged in the Battle of Jericho, where they were successful in destroying the city.

However, they suffered a defeat in the battle at Ai due to Achan's actions of taking an "accursed thing" from Jericho.

Achan and his family were stoned to death to restore God's favor and Joshua then defeated Ai.

The Israelites then faced an alliance of five Amorite kings.

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Please make the sun and moon stand still so he could finish the battle in daylight.

Joshua asked God so in the battle at Gibeon.

The Lord fought for the Israelites, causing huge hailstones to fall from the sky and kill many Canaanites.

Joshua led the Israelites to several victories, securing much of the land of Canaan.

He presided over the allocation of land to the tribes of Israel and settled in the Ephraimite city of Timnath-heres.

Death of Joshua

When Joshua was old, he gathered the leaders of the Israelites and warned them.

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Against forming alliances with the native population, as it could lead to unfaithfulness to God.

He exhorted them to be loyal to God and set up a stone as a witness of their promise.

After his death at the age of 110, he was buried in Timnath-heres in the hill country of Ephraim.

Joshua in Judaism

In Judaism, Joshua is considered

  • a faithful
  • humble
  • wise man

He is seen as a worthy successor to Moses and as someone who lived with complete faith in him.

According to tradition, Joshua composed the Aleinu prayer when making Aliyah (the crossing of the Jordan River into the Land of Israel) as a way to distinguish the Jewish people's acceptance of God's sovereignty from that of other nations.

Rabbinic literature cites various Biblical verses to illustrate Joshua's qualities and their reward, such as

  • his victory over Amalek
  • his division of the Land of Canaan among the tribes of Israel
  • his agreement with the tribes on certain conditions such as the common use of natural springs and forests

By the way, there are differences in tombs and their locations due to differences in tradition.

Tradition Grave Place
Samaritan tradition The tombs of Joshua, Caleb, and Nun Kifl Haris
Jewish tradition Joshua's tomb Timnath-heres

Thousands of Jews make a pilgrimage to the site every year on the anniversary of Joshua's death.

Joshua in Christianity

In Christianity, Joshua is considered a prophet and a leader of the Israelites in the Old Testament.

He is known for leading the Israelites into the Promised Land and for his famous battle of Jericho.

Many Christians see Joshua as a type or foreshadowing of Jesus Christ, who is believed to have fulfilled the promises made to Joshua and the Israelites.

Joshua's story is often studied and referenced in Christian teachings and literature.

Joshua in Islam

In Islam, Joshua is seen as a faithful follower of Allah and a prophetic successor to Moses.

He is mentioned in Islamic literature as Yusha' bin Nun and was present at Moses's death.

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Joshua was one of the two followers' spies who crossed the Jordan and conquered Beit al-Maqdis.

Muslims believe that.

Different tombs have been claimed to be his final resting place, including in

  • Istanbul
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Lebanon

Art, Science, and Jewish Holidays

In art and literature, Joshua is known as one of the Nine Worthies and appears in works such as

  • The Divine Comedy
  • Handel's oratorio Joshua
  • Charpentier's Josue
  • Waxman's oratorio Joshua

The yucca brevifolia agave plant is referred to as the Joshua tree because of a legend that its branches reminded Mormon pioneers of Joshua.

Joshua is also commemorated following:

  • Name of a species of snake, Joshua's blind snake
  • Jewish holiday Yom HaAliyah

The annual commemoration of Joshua's death is marked on the 26th of Nisan on the Hebrew calendar.

If you want to know more about the Book of Joshua, which is related to Joshua,

Please read this article.

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